Thursday, May 1, 2014

Davin LaIacoma- Final Project

10 Revelations of Media Revolutions
1.      In our new age of technology using media for our society’s social growth is extremely common.  It can be anything from bringing people together through a social networking site or the ability to research topics on the internet.  Many school systems have been implementing ways in which students can learn by harnessing the media around them.
· – Technology in History
·        “…Making them available and affordable to more people. Books eventually became the first mass-marketed products in history.” (Campbell,7)
·        “Education has an even more pronounced effect: Only 43 Percent of those who did not graduate high school have Internet access” (Campbell,69)

2.      Innovative takes on media are rewarded highly if they prove to be successful.  Facebook and Twitter are two companies that took advantage of an idea and captured the population through the ability to connect one to their peers.  The Internet provides an unlimited amount of opportunities for commerce and other services.
· – Social Networking
·        “MySpace, founded in 2003… That popularity with teens made it a major site for online advertising” (Campbell,54)
·        “YouTube gave rise to the viral video-a video that becomes immediately popular by millions sharing it through social media platforms.” (Campbell,53)
3.      The internet has been one of the largest forms of global commerce over the past 10 years.  Sites like Amazon, Itunes, Google, and more have all been able to create a business out of the global connections the internet provides.  Other than being a vendor for a product, these sites use advertisement to create a profit.  The more visits something gets on the internet, the more value it has to advertisers.

·        “ad impressions and click-throughs … provide advertisers with much more specific data on the number of people who not only viewed the ad but also showed real interest by clicking on it.” (Campbell,397)
·        “Favorite ads and commercial jingles remain part of our cultural world for a lifetime, but we detest irritating and repetitive commercials.” (Campbell, 415)
4.      Digital Gaming is a medium that has also taken advantage of our society’s growth in technology.  Xbox live, computer gaming, and smartphone games are all recent developments that enable users to create a personal social network.  These small networks allow a user to connect with friends and interactively play together.  Games such as World of Warcraft have had enormous amounts of players in the millions.  These are all because of media’s ability to connect people that are not physically together.
·        “The Internet enabled the spread of video games to converged devices, like tablets, mobile phones, making games more portable, and creating whole new segments in the gaming industry.” (Campbell, 85)
·        “Xbox LIVE, for example, uses three types of voice chat that allow players to socialize and strategize,” (Campbell, 94)

5.      The business of advertisement pushes media to expand.  Commercials on websites, videos, radio broadcasts, and television shows are huge money making ventures.  The producers/owners of a popular medium can sell space to other businesses that would like to get their names publicized.  Adverts satisfy our consumer culture and sometimes even catch our attention. 
·        “In the year 2010 marked a significant moment for the future of advertising. First, Internet advertising revenue,” (Campbell, 381)
·        “media buyers: people who choose and purchase the types of media that are best suited to carry a client’s ads” (Campbell,394)

6.      For a medium to survive changes, it needs to learn to adapt to the new culture.  One major example of this is the ability of newspapers to go from strictly print supported by ads to a partial digital set up.  Many newspapers have gone bankrupt in the recent years and vanished however New York Times and competitors have figured out ways to keep making money while reducing print.  The 21st century media culture is truly a live-and-learn type of development and only some older mediums have learned to survive in it.
·        “Because of their local monopoly status, many newspapers were slower than other media to confront the challenges of the Internet” (Campbell,304)
·        “In 2005, the paper began charging online readers for access to its editorials and columns” (Campbell,305)
7.      Freedom of speech on the internet is a controversial topic.  People wonder and test what is legal to say on the internet and what information is illegal and by which jurisdiction.  The major issue we discussed on this was Julian Assange and his Wikileaks page.  He has been a pioneer in testing the waters of online journalism and story sharing.  There is some agreed upon ground now that as long as it does not endanger anyone it or risk security, it is legal.
·        “Every news story should… display the attributes of fiction, of drama. It should have structure and conflict, problem and denouement, rising and falling action, a beginning, a middle, and an end.” – Reuven Frank
·         “What is the moral and social responsibility of journalists, not only for the stories they report but also for the actual events or issues they are shaping for millions of people?”(Campbell,493)
8.      Multitasking is a huge myth that was challenged in the film Digital Nation that we watched in class.  Scientists looked into brain function as people try to switch between topics.  The thought that most people have is that multitasking is a doable task in which the brain processes multiple thoughts and functions at once.  However the study proved that the brain is switching between these processes. This constant activity results in the loss of some information.  The outcome is that multitaskers cannot multitask.
·        The ability to access many different forms of media in one place is also changing the ways we engage with and consume media” (Campbell, 13)
·        “However, media multitasking could have other effects…. Now, with the proliferation of social media,… we can discuss that program with our friends as we watch” (Campbell, 14)
9.      When you first watch a movie or other form of digital image it is easy to overlook one of the largest factors in which the producers make money.  Simple product placement of a few products accounts for much of the production costs and profit.  Paying attention to things such as the car used or even the brand on the T-shirt of an actor can be specifically planned out before-hand
·        “revenue is earned from the merchandise licensing and product placements in movies. In the Early Days of television and film, characters generally used generic products, or product labels weren’t highlighted in shots” (Campbell,262)
·        “For many critics, product placement has gotten out of hand. What started out as subtle appearances in realistic settings” (Campbell, 403)
10.   The ultimate media convergence tool is something that most of us use every day.  It lies in our pocket and connects us to the internet, news, and all of our friends.  Smartphones dominate the media culture nowadays because they provide a small mobile platform of connection and information.  The phones themselves are not what cause them to be as popular as they are. It is the apps and social networking that proves to be the attractive point of the devices.  After the release of Facebook and Youtube, there was only one way of connecting and it was by computers.  There had to be an easier way and the smartphone was the solution and continues to be.
·        “…we demand access to our media when we want it, where we want it, and in multiple formats.” (Campbell,59)
·        “Today, media consumption is mobile and flexible…” (Campbell, 59)

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