Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Universal Studios Commercial - Project #1 (Nicole Noce)

ThesisAlthough technology may seem to distract from time spent with loved ones, it actually serves as a way of preserving cherished memories.

Triune Brain:
·      Limbic
o   The imagery of how happy the family is spending time together on this perfect family vacation to Universal Studios makes the viewer long to be a part of a similar experience with their own family.
o   The music also plays a role in targeting the emotional brain because throughout the video, the music sets the mood as being warm and happy. At the same time, the music is a new arrangement of the “theme song” for most Universal Studios commercial, keeping the same familiar melody but expanding upon it. This causes the viewer to make an automatic connection with the song that they already know, but experience it in a different way.

·      Neocortex
o   The viewer must comprehend the words on the photo that the daughter sends to her father, triggering the neocortex. Then the viewer begins to think about how if they were to go on a wonderful family vacation like this and bring their smartphone, they could capture precious family moments like the daughter did throughout their trip.

3 Shifts/Trends:
·      Epistemological shift – I accessed this video on YouTube, which demonstrates the shift from words to images.
·      Personal shift – I can watch this video on my iPhone, laptop, or anywhere that has access to YouTube, making this both personal and participatory.
·      Technological shift – This video is a digital file, which is an example of the shift from analog to digital.

5 “Facts”:
·      Some people think technology takes away from family time, but it actually can add to the experience of being together.
·      Bringing your smartphone to Universal Studios will make your experience that much better.
·      If you take your family to Universal Studios for vacation, you will be happy.
·      Universal Studios is the ideal vacation destination for your family.
·      If your smartphone gets splashed with water, it won’t break.

3 Principles:
·      Emotional Transfer – The heartwarming moment between the teenage daughter and her father when she sends him the message with all the photos taken throughout the vacation triggers an emotional reaction for viewers, showing them that they too can have that sort of bond with their families if they go to Universal Studios.
·      Production Techniques – Throughout the commercial, it is being filmed at such an angle that you are focusing on the teenage daughter, who appears to be uninterested in her family or the time that they are spending together, while also showing the reactions of her family members (mainly her father).
·      Value Messages – Vacationing at Universal Studios will make both you and your family happy.

5 Persuasive Techniques:
·      Plain folks The family in this commercial seems just like any other ordinary family.
·      Repetition – The way the commercial is filmed, you constantly are seeing the interactions between the teenage daughter and her family, specifically her father.
·      Warm Fuzzies – The scene between the father and his daughter when he receives the message from her gives the viewer a warm, satisfied feeling when watching the commercial.
·      Card Stacking­ – This commercial fails to show the long lines, scorching temperatures, and other negatives that one might encounter when taking a vacation to Universal Studios.
·      Nostalgia ­– The image of a happy family spending quality time together can relate to almost every viewer and remind them of a time spent with their loved ones.

3 Course Themes:
·      Promotes family bonding
·      Helps people to create cherished memories, and preserve them with the aid of technology
·      The commercial shows the impact that new media has on our everyday lives, regardless of where we are.

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