Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Project One: Technology Changes Everything


Thesis: Technology such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets have the ability to change a person, and help them to become smarter.

Triune Brain: The storyline in this commercial catches the attention of the rational brain as it challenges the brain to rationalize the message of this commercial; does technology change you as a person? The music evokes the emotional brain with its upbeat tune that exudes a positive energy, leading one to believe the message being conveyed. The reptilian brain is also affected by the music and the energy it provides. The beat of the music keeps you alert.

3 Shifts/Trends: This video demonstrates a technological shift. It displays different forms of technology; devises such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. In being able to view this video on my laptop, that is an example of an aesthetic shift. The convergence of technology onto these devises, as mentioned in the video; being able to access lessons, classes, courses, etc. are all examples of aesthetic shift. Finally, this video displayed very few words; instead it relied on the use of images to convey most of the message. This is an example of an epistemological shift.

5 Facts: Technology makes things smart and bright. When you connect technology to the Internet, it brings you knowledge. The world is your classroom. If you get your degree, you can do anything. Technology changes everything.

Three Principles: The first principle that is included in this commercial is emotional transfer. Ashford University uses children in their commercial to evoke a sense of innocence and excitement. There are also several production techniques used in this commercial. As soon as it begins, there is music that begins to play. It continues throughout the entirety of the commercial. They also use a lot of different camera angles, starting with a wide shot in the classroom, followed by several close up shots of the children speaking. Value Messages are the third principle that is implemented in this commercial. The message is straightforward and displayed in text towards the end of the commercial. It simply states: “Technology changes everything.” I believe in this commercial it is meant to be a positive message, meaning that in todays world, technology will propel you in places like a University, where it will help to get you a degree.

Five Persuasive Techniques: The first persuasive technique used in Ashford Universities commercial is repetition. The commercial is talking about technology and in the beginning words like “smart” and “bright” are repeated when describing different devises. The second technique used is warm fuzzies. They use cute children to convey their message. The third technique used is group dynamics. They use multiple children to convey the message and because they are all expressing the same idea, it brings fourth a sense of unity among them. Fourth, they use strength. This commercial says that technology changes people, and that using technology can help you get a degree, which will help you to achieve more power in our world today. The last technique that is used is timing. Different children are panned in and out, which creates a faster paced, changing commercial, instead of staying static the entire time.  

Three Course Themes: Technology will help to propel and change you. Like the technology you use, you can become smarter and brighter, and through using it, earn a degree that will propel you to change.

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