Tuesday, February 11, 2014

DirectTV Ad


This commercial argues that upgrading to digital cable will make for a smoother personal life, free of conflict or setbacks.

Triune Brain:

Neocortex- As soon as the commercial begins, the neocortex is activated as it processes the words of the narrator. Over the span of 30 seconds, the neocortex is constantly activated as we analyze the words and images on the screen and relate them to our own lives.

Limbic- The use of humor in the commercial taps into our limbic brain, causing us to laugh at the unlikeliness of the events which occur. It also taps into the emotion of fear, making us afraid of the conflicts that may possibly happen if we do not switch to digital cable, such as ending up alone.

Reptilian- Though very brief, the commercial appeals to the reptilian brain by implementing a appearance of the man's spouse, tapping into our animalistic urge of finding a “mate.” As the commercial progresses, we realize that after his initial reaction toward his cable problems, he is abandoned and left to live a life alone.

Shifts/ Trends

Technological shift- A shift from analog to digital is clearly represented in this commercial, as it is urging the audience to do away with cable TV (analog) to DirectTV (Digital).

Aesthetic shift- Because I am viewing this commercial on my laptop, and can also view it on my television and iPhone, this commercial represents an aesthetic shift, as it is streamed through various multimedia platforms.

Personal shift- A personal/participatory shift is highlighted in this commercial because DirectTV is not for the masses, but rather only available to folks who purchase their services, which is an active participation in this medium on their part.


  • Cable can induce a ton of stress, but DirectTV is stress free
  • Cable will cause you many problems
  • DirectTV will improve your life
  • The stress of having cable will interfere with your personal life
  • Anger issues will have a negative effect on a person's life


Reality Construction- This commercial constructs a realistic and typical reality for the average working middle-class person/family, with events that are completely plausible and imaginable.

Value Messages- If you do not make the shift from analog to digital, you will endure many hardships that will negatively effect your personal life.

Emotional Transfer- Though humor is one of the greatest emotions transferred in this commercial, the emotion of fear is also transferred, as many people fear the idea of a dwindling personal life that will cause them to be alone forever.

Persuasive Techniques

Flatter- This commercial subtly uses flattery, suggesting the audience will make a smarter decision of purchasing DirectTV, unlike the person in the commercial who made the mistake of sticking to standard cable.

Humor- Humor is greatly used, making the audience laugh at the exaggerated events which spiral out of control.

Plain Folks- The commercial appeals to the common, middle-class, working man/woman who can afford to buy DirectTV.

Repetition- The phrase, “Stop taking in stray animals,” and “when you..” is repeated more than once, which places a strong emphasis on the downward spiral your life will take when you don't buy DirectTV

Either/Or- This technique is used subtly in the commercial, as either having DirectTV, with a social life and your life in order, or you having cable which causes your life to be in shambles.

Course Themes:

This commercial appeals to an “out-with-the-old-in-with-the-new” type of mentality, as it shifts from the use of standard to cable to digital television, which is a central theme in Media Revolution. It is a prime example of the way we live today, where it is rare not to see things that are digital. As the digital age takes over, we leave behind old mediums in the dust.

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