Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Project #1 - "I Forgot My Phone"

Project #1

This video clip contrasts life with a cell phone versus life without a cell phone. But rather than focusing on the advantages of cell phones, this clip mainly highlights issues of having a cell phone – making “forgetting” a cell phone seem more appealing.


The rational brain (the neocortex) is being challenged the most throughout the duration of this video. The whole time, the audience is trying to rationalize why society has become this way, and why do we constantly ignore those around us for our cell phones. The reptilian brain is also being used to decide whether or not to fight or flight from these observations. One could either fight this representation of cell phones or they could flight from the problem at hand, and let it continue the way it is. The limbic brain is being activated when listening to the music at the concert, and also while they are singing “Happy Birthday” at the birthday party.  


This video is an example of an epistemological shift because it is a shift from words to images. This shift is also seen through the social network Instagram that is being used by those in the video. There is also a personal shift in this video because the cell phone users are communicating with personal accounts on social media websites. A technological shift is also present, because everything that is being done on their cell phones can be converted down to a digital code. Whereas everything the girl without a cell phone is doing is completely unplugged from the digital world.

5 “FACTS”:

·        Without a cell phone, it is difficult to communicate with your friends

·        No cell phone means you cannot capture every moment

·        Having a cell phone means that you have a lot of friends

·        You will get married if you have a cell phone

·        You can communicate with anyone anywhere anytime with a cell phone


In this video clip, phones are being seen for how they are really used. There are two opposing value messages portrayed by this though. One saying that in order to keep up with your friends, you need a cell phone. The other value message is that with a cell phone, you miss out on life happening right before your eyes because you are distracted by a screen. Another principle present is “reality” construction. But, this clip is actually showing the reality unlike many cell phone advertisements. A cell phone advertisement may show a girl using her phone to help her find the nearest playground, while this reality shows that the majority of the time kids are sitting on their phones rather than actually playing on the playground. An emotional transfer is occurring, but it is more focused on the emotions the girl without a cell phone is feeling, because she goes through many emotions throughout the day. The cell phone seems as though it is sucking emotion out of its users, because they simply sit there staring at their phones almost lifeless.


In this video clip we see the bandwagon happening from a perspective of someone who has not joined the bandwagon of owning a cell phone. A rhetorical questions is being asked: Do you want to ignore life and replace the reality in front of you with a screen? And a simple solution is also provided: Then get rid of your cell phone and you can begin to live life again. This clip also uses the warm fuzzies in an ironic way. When the girl turns the lights off to go to sleep with her boyfriend/husband – the peacefulness is interrupted by the light of a cell phone. Thus, showing that having a cell phone disrupts the warm fuzzies. The big lie is revealed in this clip. The truth is told about phones in the real world. What isn’t said in cell phone advertisements is said here.


This cell phone video illustrates that we are very dependent on our cell phones. We are able to capture every moment and communicate with all of our friends. However, this clip does not portray this theme as necessarily positive. The truth and reality about cell phones is that we are trading in our lives and the real beauty that stands in front of us for screens and always trying to be somewhere we are not. This video ultimately suggests that we should try to appreciate what is actually around us every once and a while.

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